Proses Pendataan
yang Mudah

Membuat peserta tidak perlu antri beberapa kali untuk registrasi ulang, pendaftaraan dapat di lakukan sebelum event atau di event secara cepat dan nyaman.

// e2de

Tujuan Utama Kita

Memberikan pengalaman luar biasa, lengkap dan seautuhnya untuk peseta event, karena event experience tidak terbatas pada saat event berlangsung saja, namun pre-event seperti proses registrasi / penjualan tiket dengan custom branding, dan post-event seperti mudahnya melihat data event secara live ataupun reporting setelah event selesai.

Bagaimana kita mewujudkannya

Memberikan akses professional value dan service yang sudah menjadi standard untuk event bertaraf internasional.

Menyediakan state of the art features untuk memberikan kenyamanan, kemudahan dan pengalaman yang luar biasa bagi para peserta.

Kemudahan untuk pendataan ataupun pembelian ticket baik public atau private event, live data monitoring, penggunaan teknologi yang membuat proses lebih cepat dan effisien, memberikan layanan untuk peserta event agar lebih terlibat. adalah beberapa value yang dapat kami hadirkan untuk event anda, service dan fitur kami flexible dan adaptive sehingga dapat disesuaikan dengan event anda.

Automate and Streamline
of Proposal and Inquiry

Group booking portal enables agent to easily book in larger number, upload passenger info, and itinerary per passenger faster; hence, freeing time that is consumed so that more booking orders per working day.

Maximizing Customer
Building Activities

Group booking system simplifies booking process so that business can focus more on improving customer experience, retaining and grow number of loyal followers.

Prioritize Potential

Provide am analysis on genuine frequent passengers, and passenger’s travel patterns. The more service can be provided the higher positive image for the respected businesses.

Centralized Management

All process are consolidated in one connected process of group booking; hence, make business process to be more efficient.

Three Main Improvement Driven by Group Booking System

Group booking system improves three main areas of company’s concerns of a smart and efficient booking system.

Automate and streamline of proposal and inquiry

Group booking portal enables agent to easily book in larger number, upload passenger info, and itinerary per passenger faster; hence, freeing time that is consumed so that more booking orders per working day. All process are consolidated in one connected process of group booking; hence, make business process to be more efficient.

Prioritize Potential

Group booking system simplifies booking process so that business can focus more on improving customer experience, retaining and grow number of loyal followers. Group booking portal simplifies the formulation of travel package, hence giving more focus on the quality of travel package, that focus on specific needs of passengers which in turn improve the travel experience, satisfaction rate, and return customer.

Maximizing Customer Building Activities

Not only that Group booking enables flexibility in accommodating the travel needs of every passenger, this may be in the form of special needs by individual, payment type, and the need of insurance beside other needs, but also provide a report to analyze on genuine frequent passengers, and passenger’s travel patterns. The more service can be provided the higher positive image for the respected businesses.

New Source of Revenue

In addition to group booking system, we have helped Airasia to develop revenue automation system, which sustains their ability to be one of the most profitable airline passengers carrier in the world. The system would generate new revenue based on the pattern of group booking activity and customers needs.

// we trusted


Digital Marketing Strategist

Andy Tiw

founder catalyst officer

Raechel Chong

Client Testimonial


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